
How to Become a Member of St. Mary Street United Methodist Church

Profession of Faith:
If you have never been a member of any church, you can join by professing Jesus Christ as your Savior and enrolling in a New Members Class.

Renewal of Vows:
If you once belonged to St. Mary’s or another United Methodist Church and are currently inactive, you can restore full membership by renewing your Christian vows and enrolling in a New Members Class.

Transfer of Membership:

Members of the United Methodist Church or another denomination may have their membership moved to St. Mary Street United Methodist Church. If you are transferring from another denomination, you must enroll in a New Members Class.

Affiliate or Associate Membership:

If you have reason to retain your membership in another church (such as your hometown church), you can still become an Affiliate or Associate member of St. Mary Street United Methodist Church. An affiliate is a member of another United Methodist Church. An associate is a member of another denomination